Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Conio Conspiracy

    On the weekends and every holidays or every night social gatherings, There is always such things happening around unusual but yet very common events in the history of gimmicks on my recent Manila vacation I realized that the nightlife is still the same but some places bursts out with new ideals and faces.

  Lets face it! theres a more social looking people than more ordinary look commoners around, you know what am I talking to right.. Yes indeed the what so called conio people or commonly more refered as coniotics or coniotix. They are the elite and the not so elite social climbers of the decade.They filled the bars and clubs of Makati and Taguig as well as in Timog in Quezon City. They are the english tagalog or maybe Taglish speaking people of the nation. As far as I know they are the rich and the elite of the society and the kin of the politician, celebrity and the high class social clan of the society, Living in the high fenced villages of the city and studying in the premiere private schools. Conios commonly are dissed by the rappers of the industry because of their nasty and stinky lifestyle. People nowadays try to be one of them and that is the biggest mistake that they going to make in their entire life oh how foolish and stupid what can they get. Me myself was a victim of that CONIO Madness by joining their social based nightlife websites making stories and some clumsy events....As we say oh well
BWAKA NG INA SA MGA SOCIAL.......thanks to the DTG clan for the diss of the so called conio people

   I also heard they are making big troubles in the clubs of the ghetto thinking they are tough but guess what.? They are the most try hard gangster of the century....its better to hit them in the head by a baseball bat and by then they gonna realized what big mistake they MADE...By joining or mingling with this dirty and filthy and sometimes stinky social class of our time...They are the most disgraced or sometimes most dirtiest social class of people living and filling the filthy night scenery of the decade how pitiful for this MORONS AND IDIOTS.......Thats All For Now Hommies More Coming Soon!!!!!

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