Chapter 1:
Be the master of your own self, Don't be under some one or be an underling of someone, Instead put someone Under You or get someone as your underling.
Chapter 2:
Don't follow trends, fashion sickness and some popculture stuff, But set your own trend follow your own fashion style and make your best pop culture. It's a big foolishness if you make yourself trying to follow or be a fanatic of those things. Its better if you have your own.
Chapter 3:
Be what you are, Don't be fascinated by the looks or by the earthly vanities and those material things and what are the things that happen around you. Be contented on what you are right now, You can fit in the society that you want to be with, But always remember what or where you came from, Be proud of your roots or the race or heritage that you burst from or came from.
Chapter 4:
The street or hood you came from, Be proud of it, Your childhood memories is there, And also your ups and downs is there, The place you called your "HOME" the place that you came from and the place that your parental roots also came from, Don't mess or disregard/disrespect your hood or place that you came from because that hood or place is the representation of your own SELF.
Chapter 5:
The so called CONIO Society,The most disrespected or hated race or group of people in the neighborhood, They are the group of elites and what so called celebrities, trying to be famous in their own perspectives, Branded clothes, cars, accessories, gadgets, expensive homes or units, etc. they are the members of the high class or first class of the society. In recent there are two (2) types of CONIOS in the list:
- The Elite Or The Original Conio - The ones or individuals who came from the rich or the elite society, living in the high fenced or high guarded grounds or villages, Often came in rich families and attended some exclusive schools the one who are the called elites and the one who runs what the so called NIGHT LIFE SOCIAL SITES, And the ones who are the celebrity STATUS.
- The Trying-Hard Or The Wannabe Conios - They are the ones who are wanting to be one on the 1st list, The what are those called as the "WANNABE's" They are the ones that are evolving and the ones that are sticking on the Original Conios, running and walking and dealing and mingle with them, They try to show those on the 1st that they are members of they society filling and taking all advantages, often seeing them in fake brands and fake looks, showing all types of high end and high class brands, accessories and gadgets, but for real they are snakes or leaches that suck on the blood of the elites the wannabe socialites often reigning and showing the majority of people in the nightclubs and SOCIAL NETWORKS FOR sick and how foolish.
Chapter 6:
The Ghetto People Themeselves, The one that came from the streets, the common hood, the middle and the low class people, The most humble and the most honest persons in the society showing respect, humanity, loyalty, and friendship to other people and their own kin and their own neighbors, The most neglected and the most disregarded by the CONIO SOCIETY as criminals or thugs or gangsters, But for real they are the most trustworthy person in the society today because they are showing what or who they really are and showing on the side that they are really showing on what they are really made for.
The Respect Factor:Respect for oneself and respect for one another is the GOLDEN RULE on this book or this writting, If you have respect for your own self then others will respect you and treat you right on really what you are, Respect are GAINED AND NOT GIVEN ON FORCE, respect on others is a key for gaining respect for yourself if you learn respect that is the essential key on how you can brought your self high with foreheads set on high.
The Trust:
Trust in yourself and trust to others, The other important thing its easy to get trust and get trust from others. It is easy to gain but hard to make up when its broken, It reflects your own loyalty to yourself. The more trust you gain the more respect will you get.
The Hype:
Vanity and Hype are brothers and sisters of attitude that is negative for you who want to get the respect and the trust you need you try to get rid of this negatively related attitudes.
Chapter 8:
The temptations and the here says, Please try not to be tempted by the runs of the society and try to avoid to listen on much of what they say as here-says or the word of mouths, try to go with the flow of the society on where on what you are made of, Try to dance in the tune of their music or sing in their own melodies and rhythms but always remember that you have your own self to rely on the things weather they are telling the truth or making their own stories or lies.
Dont' get fooled or get tempted, get you by force on what side you what you choose on, be wise and be careful on what side are you going to choose, Remember that you are the MASTER of your own self and your own free will, if from the CONIO side then so be it, From The GHETTO side then so be it, but wisely choose your side if staying on the side on the good or the bad.
The Simple Guidelines Of The Daily Ghetto Kid